The Pokémon franchise has announced its first Japanese live-action drama adaptation based on the game, titled “Pack Your Pockets With Adventure” (Pocket ni Boken o Tsumekonde), on August 30, 2023.
The drama series is set to commence airing on October 19, 2023, during TV Tokyo’s “MokuDora 24” time slot.
Taking on the lead role is Nanase Nishino, a member of the esteemed idol group Nogizaka46, who will be portraying the character named Madoka Akagi.
The plot follows the journey of Madoka Akagi, who pursues her aspiration of becoming a creator as she relocates to Tokyo. Her life, molded by childhood experiences of playing Pokémon games with her sibling, takes a fresh turn two decades later when she receives a Game Boy Pocket and starts playing “Pocket Monsters Red”.
Nanase Nishino also shared her enthusiasm for the drama series:
Note: Following statement is translated using Google Translate therefore translation may not be 100% accurate.
“A few days after mentioning to my friends that I would love to be involved in something related to Pokémon someday, I was presented with this unexpected opportunity. Having engaged with nearly every series from the initial generation to the latest installment, I belong to the generation that grew up with Pokémon. Thus, my heart is brimming with joy.”
“The character I embody, Madoka Akagi, is an individual who takes initiative and develops by assimilating the influences around her. During my initial conversation with the producers, they communicated their desire to emphasize the term ‘protagonist’ over ‘lead,’ and I found that concept truly intriguing. I am approaching the filming process with that perspective.”
“The Adventure team that Madoka collaborates with forms a congenial and gratifying group. We share hearty laughter on set and in the greenroom. While each individual possesses a distinct personality, a harmonious equilibrium is achieved when we come together – remarkably dependable! In Madoka’s words, I would characterize them as a ‘compact yet exceptional’ group.”
“As the title implies, the central theme is adventure. Thus, while observing Madoka and her companions as they evolve through their escapades, you can also anticipate subtle allusions that will evoke sentiments in Pokémon enthusiasts, such as ‘Ah, that’s nostalgic’ or ‘I recognize this!’ Throughout the series, there are delightful nuances sprinkled for fans who have immersed themselves in the Pokémon universe.”
“Pack Your Pockets With Adventure” is a collaborative creation between TV Tokyo and The Pokémon Company.
Shota Hatanaka from BABEL LABEL will oversee the drama’s planning, production, and scripting.
Source: Natalie
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