About Us

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Geekdome is your one-stop destination for all things anime, manga, gaming, and more. So, fellow geeks, welcome to Geekdome, the place where fandom thrives!

The website came to being when two brothers decided to take their love for anime, manga and games and decided to do something about it!

Connect with us on Twitter [@Geekdome_in], Instagram [@Geekdome_in], and Facebook [facebook.com/geekdomein] for a daily dose of geeky goodness. Don’t miss out on any updates, discussions, or epic giveaways – let’s geek out together!

Meet the Team

Ayush Soni

Hi! I am Ayush, the founder of Geekdome. I started Geekdome back in 2019 but closed it due to commitments, but starting 2023, I have decided to go in with full force. The aim is to develop Geekdome as a central hub for all things anime, manga and games in India. Thank you for reading.!

Also, if you are also interested in content writing or have an interest for anime, you can contact me on twitter @PewPewNew ! (Also because we are short on man power. :v)

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Aryan Verma

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Aryan went like this when I asked him to write about himself so here I am introducing him.

Hey! So, Aryan is an anime and manga enthusiast. He’s an avid fan of shooters, horror multiplayers, Roblox and Genshin Impact. He aims to become a web developer and provide IT solutions to businesses. Currently he wastes his time on Discord. @Aryan-iwnl#6476