A review of Kase-san and Morning Glories (Asagao to Kase-san)

The most usual way to end a love story is for the characters to realize their feelings, confess to each other, and go out. Sounds pretty familiar, right? There is this interesting line in Masaaki Yuasa’s Tatami Galaxy where the protagonist leaves the matter of his relationship status with the love interest in an open end to the viewers with the line:

“There is nothing as boring as a story of successful love.”

Asago to Kase-San: A fluffy little romance

Many people will agree to this line, even I did too, but my age has increased, so has the amount of stories I read about love, and so have my experiences on it. And I would like to say now that this line is pretty wrong because the concept of successful love doesn’t exist. Even if the love is requited, it doesn’t mean that it will go all right.

Why is that? It’s a very simple observation: we are human beings, and we are imperfect. Nothing goes exactly as planned as we perceive it to. Both sadness and joy are integral parts of our lives. Difficulties or conflicts, no matter what you do, will come to you for sure, and it’s in those difficult moments where a person shows their true colours.

It’s in those moments where the path line of a human being gets decided, i.e., either they want to rot in that situation or do something about it. That is it. That is what I believe is the beauty of these so-called difficulties, conflicts, and bad times where we see the imperfections in ourselves, which can make us change for worse or better. Thus, a happy ending with a confession seems cheap to me nowadays.

As long as humans live, there will always be problems. In those difficult times, only one will realise the authority of their relationship. You begin to see that some writers out there are doing the confession half of the season or at the end of it because they want a change in the love stories.

And today, we have a sweet, cute, and fluffy example of it in Kase-San and the Morning Glories OVA. The OVA of 58 mins only adapts a specific part of the manga, i.e., when the titular character Kase started dating Yui. We see their lives as they face the ups and downs in a relationship.

After thoughts on Kase-san and Morning Glories

A review of Kase-san and Morning Glories (Asagao to Kase-san)

First of all, the animation for this is beautiful. We often see metaphors of the characters’ emotions with flowers, which is one of the best tropes particularly used in Yuri romances. We follow Kase and Yui, who have difficulties in their relationship because they have different qualities and goals to achieve.

These two often get scared that their relationship might break because of these differences. Kase is an athlete and is the school’s star, while Yui is interested in horticulture.

It’s very interesting to see that both the characters do find the other as someone special and talented but do not find one’s own self as something to be praised for. This troupe beautifully describes how love can show amazing traits in somebody that they don’t realize themselves.

Another thing we focus on is how important it is to talk to each other in a relationship. Because without understanding the other party, one often leads to misunderstanding, which results in distance and, ultimately, heartbreak. Kase-san, having fluffy moments, talks about these issues that one faces in a school relationship. It’s cute while also showing you a side of life that many go through.

However, as a 58-minute OVA, a viewer may seek more and has no choice but to check the manga. It’s a pleasant watch if you want to blush and get a little nostalgic about your own romantic school days if you have any or if you dreamed about it. I should check the manga myself one day.

Overall Rating – 7/10

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