Genshin Impact Voice Actors Claim They Haven’t Been Paid in Over Half A Year

Genshin Impact Voice Actors Claim They Haven’t Been Paid in Over Half A Year

Genshin Impact is one of the biggest live service game in the present day. Genshin released back in 2020 and since then has made a name for itself due to its free to play nature with high quality visuals, story telling and world exploration.

Genshin Impact - Paimon
Genshin Impact Voice Actors Claim They Haven't Been Paid in Over Half A Year 2

Despite the healthy revenue of the game, two voice actors for Genshin Impact, Corina Boettger and Brandon Winckler raised their voices regarding defaults in payment from the studio. According to Corrina, VA for Paimon, these defaults date all the way back to December 2022.

Similarly, Brandon Winckler said, “Inexcusable for us actors to be waiting 4+ months for pay when you [Genshin Impact] make $86 million per month.”

After their twitter posts, many fans of the game raised their voices in hopes to reach Hoyoverse and for their intervention. Many people over the internet stated this scenario to be English dub exclusive since there have been no complaints regarding anything similar by the Korean, Japanese and Chinese VAs of the game.

The VAs jointly raised a statement where they demanded for Video Games to have Unions. Unions ensure that the VAs get a chance to fight whenever there is a delay in payment by the agency or the hiring company.

While English community and voice actors have raised their voices against this malpractice, so far, there have been no official statements from Formosa or Hoyoverse.

Also check: Genshin Impact to Introduce Permanent Game Modes!

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