New & updated Nahida build guide (v5.1+) with 30+ best team comps

This updated Nahida build guide for Genshin Impact 5.1 is everything you need to maximize your Nahida’s support and damage capabilities. Nahida in Genshin Impact is a 5-star Dendro Catalyst user who excels at off-field Dendro application and providing Elemental Mastery buffs to the party.

Moreover, with a bit of change to her artifacts and weapon load-outs, Nahida can also act as a solid on-field DPS for your team. In this Genshin Impact Nahida build guide, we will take a look at Nahida’s kit, her DPS and support playstyles, best weapons, artifacts load-outs, and over 30+ team compositions!

Updated for Genshin Impact version 5.1

One-minute Nahida build guide

Nahida build guide - stats
Here’s a quick Nahida build guide (Credits: Hoyoverse)

Here’s a quick guide on how you can build Nahida as a Sub-DPS or as an On-field carry. She’s better as an off-field support, but if you’re lacking good Dendro DPS like Kinich, or Alhaitham, she can work really well in Hyperbloom and Bloom teams.

Options in bold are my personal recommendations

Quick Nahida build guide
Best Weapons for NahidaA Thousand Floating Dreams, Sacrifical Fragments, The Widsith, Kagura’s Verity Mappa Mare, Wandering Evenstar, Favonius Codex
Best Artifacts for NahidaDeepwood Memories, Golden Troupe, Gilded Dreams, Tenacity of the Millelith, Instructor, Noblesse, 2P Wanderer/Guilded + 2P Deepwood
Recommended Artifacts Main StatsSands: EM
Goblet: EM/Dendro Damage Bonus
Circlet: EM/Crit Rate/Crit Damage
Artifact Sub-stats priority1. Elemental Mastery
2. Crit Rate/Crit Damage
3. Energy Recharge
Talent priorityElemental Skill >> Elemental Burst > Normal Attack
Level up recommendationLevel up to 90

If you’re playing an on-field Nahida, use EM Sands, Dendro Damage Bonus Goblet, and Crit Rate/Damage Circlet. Additionally, use a weapon like The Widsith, Lost Prayers, or Kagura’s Verity to boost her personal damage. Needless to say, leveling up her Normal Attacks will be a priority in an on-field DPS playstyle.

Nahida build guide: How does Nahida’s kit work?

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This part will explain how Nahida works in Genshin Impact. Going over Nahida’s Skill and Burst, the key sources of her damage.

Nahida’s Elemental Skill: Tri-Karma Purification explained

Nahida’s skill marks enemies and deals Dendro damage. (Credits: Hoyoverse)

Nahida is a 5-star Dendro Catalyst character who relies on her Elemental Skill (All Schemes to Know) to deal the majority of her damage. You can press the Skill to quickly mark enemies in front of Nahida in a small AOE, or enter the camera aiming mode by pressing and holding her Elemental Skill.

Upon pressing and holding her Elemental Skill button, Nahida will enter camera mode where she can mark up to eight enemies. Marked enemies will be chained together with a thread, and when any of the chained enemies are hit with an Elemental Reaction, all chained enemies will take Tri-Karma Purification damage.

The skill has a 25-second cooldown and no internal cooldown. This means Nahida can inflict a Dendro-related reaction every 2.5 seconds, making her one of the best Dendro applicators in the game.

Nahida’s Elemental Skill: Illusory Heart explained

Nahida’s Skill is a key part of her kit. (Credits: Hoyoverse)

In her Elemental Burst, Nahida basically performs a domain expansion that covers a huge area, almost the entire Abyss Chamber. When characters are inside her Elemental Burst, they gain the following buffs based on their type:

  • Pyro: Attack% increase.
  • Electro: Elemental Skill (Tri-Karma Purification) reaction cooldown of 2.5 seconds is reduced.
  • Hydro: Burst lasts longer.

Moreover, the active party member within Nahida’s burst (including Nahida herself) receives an EM buff based on Nahida’s Elemental Mastery. For example, if your Nahida has 1000 Elemental Mastery, the active character will receive a 200 EM boost.

Nahida build guide: Best Artifacts for Nahida in Genshin Impact 5.1

Best Artifacts for Nahida Nahdia build guide
Deepwood Memories is generally the best in slot for Nahida even in version 5.1. (Credits: Hoyoverse)
  • 4-Piece Deepwood Memories: This is the best-in-slot pick for an on-field Nahida as it provides a Dendro damage bonus while also decreasing resistance to Dendro. As a result, Nahida deals increased Bloom, Spread, Burgeon, and Hyperbloom damage.
  • 4-Piece Golden Troupe: Golden Troupe is the best artifact set for Nahida’s personal damage. She can consistently utilize the buff from this set and it works great if you have another teammate like Kuki Shinobu or Yaoyao holding the 4-Piece Deepwood.
  • 4-Piece Guilded Dreams: 4-Piece Guilded works similarly to Golden Troupe, maximizing Nahida’s personal damage. It grants useful buffs to Nahida, increasing her personal damage. That said, the damage from this set is similar to Golden Troupe, so if you already have good Golden Troupe pieces, you don’t need to specifically farm for this set.
  • Honorable mentions: 2-Piece Guilded Dreams + 2-Piece Wanderer Troupe/Deepwood, 4-Piece Instructor, 4-Piece Tenacity of the Millelith.

Nahida build guide: Best Weapons for Nahida in Genshin Impact 5.1

Best weapons for Nahida Nahdia build guide
Sacrificial Fragments is good for off-field Nahida. (Credits: Hoyoverse)

This section deals with various weapon choices for Nahida depending on your playstyle. Personally speaking, Nahida acts better as an off-fielder, but you can definitely go for an on-field playstyle if you like Nahida or lack good DPS characters.

DPS Nahida Weapons

  • Kagura’s Verity: Very good with on-field Nahida playstyle, as it grants Elemental Skill damage and a huge Crit boost.
  • Crit Catalysts: Catalysts weapons like the The Widsith, Skyward Atlas, Solar Pearl, Tome of the Eternal Flow, Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, Cashflow Supervision, etc, act as great stat sticks for DPS Nahida, boosting her on-field damage.
  • Mappa Mare: A simple F2P craftable option that is only recommended if you lack any of the previously mentioned weapons.

Nahida support weapons

A Thousand Floating Dreams: The signature and best-in-slot weapon for Nahida, granting her the highest off-field damage out of any weapon. However, there are other competitive options, so don’t feel forced to pull for this weapon.

Sacrificial Fragments: Provides Nahida with a great amount of Elemental Mastery stat. Recommended if you’re playing off-field Nahida and lack the 1000 Elemental Mastery.

Wandering Evenstar: This battle pass weapon is competitive to A Thousand Floating Dreams, as it provides similar team damage to her signature. That said, it’s only useful if the team can take advantage of the flat Attack bonus from this weapon. For example, Keqing/Cyno Aggravate.

Hakushin Ring: Great option if your team is comprised of Electro damage dealers like Fishcl, Beidou, and/or Yae Miko. Also provides a good Energy Recharge substat.

Honorable mentions: Favonius Codex, Prototype Amber, and Thrilling Tales of the Dragon Slayers.

Nahida build guide: Best Nahida Team compositions

Nahida works exceptionally well as an off-field Dendro applicator and Sub-DPS. (Credits: Hoyoverse)

This list includes all the teams for off-field and on-field Nahida that I could come up with. They all have great synergies and can be played easily and get great results.

The team synergy is great according to my testing, but do note that your experience may vary because of your play style.

Quickbloom and Hyperbloom teams

In this playstyle, you simply pair Nahida with one off-field Electro and Hydro character while the fourth slot is flex. Here are some example teammates for Nahida in Hyperbloom and Quickbloom:

Raiden Shogun (EM)/Kuki Shinobu/
Electro Traveler/Yae Miko/
Hydro or Electro.
Alternatively, Geo and Anemo work great too.

Nilou Bloom teams

Nilou and Nahida have amazing synergies in AOE scenarios. Here, Nahida can act as an on-field driver to burst Nilou’s Bountiful cores. Here are some teammates for Nilou Bloom teams:

Candace/ Neuvillette/Ayato/
Kirara, Collei, Dendro Traveler, Baizhu, Yaoyao, Kinich

Burgeon teams

Burgeon works amazingly well in AOE situations. Moreover, the passive burning effect can add up, especially if you’re using Emilie. Overall, a very solid team composition to try for AOE Abyss Chambers. Here are the example teammates for Nahida:

NahidaThoma, Xiangling, Dehya, Yanfei, Klee, LyneyXingqiu/Yelan/
Candace, Barbara, Ayato
Dendro, Pyro, Cryo, Anemo, and Geo can be added to trigger some extra reactions.

Burning teams

For Burning, I only had 36-star success with Mualani Burn-Vape and Emelie Burning teams, where you pair Nahida with the following teammates:

NahidaArlecchino, Bennett, Thoma, Dehya, Klee, Yanfei, XianglingEmilieMualani, Neuvillette, Kinich, Lyney, Yoimiya, Diluc, Furina

Of course, there are a plethora of more team compositions for Nahida that are not mentioned. That said, the above teams are tested personally by me and work exceptionally well in both Abyss and Imaginarium Theatre. Hence, I decided to include only those that worked for me and I personally enjoyed playing.

At last, these teams are only an idea, feel free to experiment and form the best team that suits your style.

Genshin Impact Nahida build guide: Overall value and conclusion

Quick Nahida Build Guide
Nahida is definitely worth pulling. (Credits: Hoyoverse)

As the Dendro Archon, her kit and value lives up to her status as an Archon. She is one of the best Dendro characters in the game and can work in almost all teams that need a Dendro character.

If you don’t have her and like her personality or design, feel free to go for her. At last, thank you for reading this Genshin Impact Nahida build guide for version 5.1.

Credits to KeqingMains for calculations and references. Also thanks to Hoyoverse for the amazing game. You can download Genshin Impact from the official website.