Genshin Impact Developers to Introduce Permanent End-Game Modes!

Genshin Impact Developers to Introduce Permanent End-Game Modes!

Genshin Impact Developers to Introduce Permanent End-Game Modes!

Genshin Impact has faced criticism since its release for not having enough replayable end-game content. But now, it seems that the developers are finally trying to address this issue in upcoming updates.

Genshin Impact is primarily a casual game where players enjoy pulling new characters, doing quests, and exploring the world. However, there is a small group of dedicated fans who spend time optimizing their characters for maximum damage. Unfortunately, these players are disappointed because there is no way to test the limits of their optimized characters in the game.

Recently, the developers announced in a blog post that they plan to introduce permanent gameplay modes in the future to tackle this concern. Here’s what we know about the potential end-game content for Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact Developers to Introduce Permanent End-Game Modes!

The blog post focused on a significant complaint from players who have been asking for event-specific gameplay modes to become permanent. Currently, Genshin Impact’s events feature combat-based activities that could serve as end-game content. However, these modes are only available during events and disappear once the events conclude.

The developers want to assure players that they are already working on making some of these event-specific gameplay modes permanent in the future. They are developing a system that will benefit the long-term success of the game.

Unfortunately, the developers feel that the current event-specific gameplay modes are not fully developed enough to become permanent features. However, they are working on something more substantial that will be released at the appropriate time.

In the meantime, Genshin Impact will continue to gather feedback from players regarding permanent gameplay modes that could be implemented in future updates. You can read the full developer note here.

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