Everything Announced in Genshin Impact Version 3.8

Everything Announced in Genshin Impact Version 3.8

Genshin Impact version 3.8 is just around the corner, after this update we will be officially stepping into Fontaine (the stream did have a tease but more on that later). While the fandom cannot wait, a lot of new exciting things were announced in the Genshin Impact version 3.8 live stream.

Suggested: Genshin Impact 3.8 Livestream Codes

New Map

Everything Announced in Genshin Impact Version 3.8

While summer is generally a time Genshin pays a visit to Golden Apple Archipelago, this time around we are visiting this rainforest-like amusement park themed map. This map has it’s own way of terrain traversal (rollercoaster!) and a big carnival themed stage area in middle of it. The area is confirmed to have area specific puzzles, mini games, chests and map activities.

Everything Announced in Genshin Impact Version 3.8

New Character Skins

Brand new 4 star skins for Kaeya and Klee were revealed. Klee’s outfit seemed to be a mage-like design which could resemble Alice’s design in the game’s future.

Everything Announced in Genshin Impact Version 3.8 - Klee's Skin

Klee’s skin will be available to purchase in the version 3.8 and will cost 1680 Genesis Crystals, much like the other 4 star skins of 5 star characters.

Kaeya on the other hand will receive a 4 star skin which can be redeemed by playing the 3.8 main event quest. His outfit is seems to have a more pirate inspired look.

Everything Announced in Genshin Impact Version 3.8 - Kaeya's Skin

New Banners for Genshin Impact 3.8 Update

The event wishes for Genshin were announced and confirmed to be the following;

Phase 1: Eula and Klee

What 4 star characters will appear was not announced on the stream but from the leaks we know that in phase 1 we will see, in addition to Eula and Klee, Mika, Rosaria and Razor.

Everything Announced in Genshin Impact Version 3.8 - Phase 1 Event Wish

Phase 2: Kokomi and Wanderer will be joined by Thoma, Yanfei and Faruzan.

Everything Announced in Genshin Impact Version 3.8 - Phase 2 Event Wish

Hangout Quest XI

Brand new hangout quest for Kaeya was announced too. As we know from the Archon quest, Kaeya is of Khaenri’an origin. Thus, we can speculate that players will receive some really juicy lore drops from his hangout story quest.

Everything Announced in Genshin Impact Version 3.8 - Kaeya Hangout Quest

Fontaine Teaser

And lastly after the main event stream was over, Alice officially teased us with our first look at Fontaine. We also meet a brand new character. Underwater diving was confirmed to be a part of the game as teased in the previous livestream. We also see how diving works, underwater combat and puzzles. However, there is no confirmation whether we will be able to dive underwater with different characters of just the Traveler.

Everything Announced in Genshin Impact Version 3.8 - New Fontaine Character

Various visuals of Fontaine were shown to us including the main city, NPCs, architecture, underground/sewers, greenery and more.

Everything Announced in Genshin Impact Version 3.8 - Fontaine Scenary
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Everything Announced in Genshin Impact Version 3.8 - Underwater Diving in Genshin

Well, that’s almost every major thing announced at the Genshin Impact 3.8 Livestream. So, what do you think of the 3.8 new area, the upcoming Fontaine, the much due Eula rerun and everything that the version 3.8 has to offer. Let us know on Instagram. The live stream codes can be redeemed by clicking here.

Genshin is available on PC, iOS, Android, PS and Xbox. Download here.